The Calibre Audio Awards 2024
The best audiobooks of the past year, chosen by our members
Vote for your favourites now
Welcome to the 2024 Calibre Audio Awards! We're excited to showcase the best audiobooks across various categories, carefully selected by our Editorial team. We're dedicated to providing audiobooks to people who find it challenging to read physical books. These awards are designed to celebrate exceptional audiobooks and encourage our members to explore a wider range of genres and titles - so if you find something new, jump in and give it a listen.
Voting is now closed. Winners for the Calibre Awards will be announced soon!
The Shortlist
Adult Fiction Audiobook of the Year
Non-Fiction Audiobook of the Year
Children's Audiobook of the Year
Young Adult Audiobook of the Year
Best of the Past 50 Years
Celebrate 50 years of Calibre Audio/ We've selected one title from each decade since Calibre first launched in 1974: